Najlepšie korenie na svete ako krásny vianočný darček

Užite si Vianoce s kampotským korením v luxusnom balení. Darujte dar, ktorý prináša radosť vždy, keď obdarovaní sadnú k jedlu.

99% spokojných zákazníkov | 10 000+ recenzií

Kampotské korenie

Darček, ktorý zahreje
nielen pri srdci


Na veko súpravy vypálime váš osobný odkaz, venovanie a logo.

Váš darček s Kampotským korením doručíme po celom Slovensku.

Potešte svojich blízkych a urobte dobrý skutok v Kambodži.

Čím je Kampotské korenie také výnimočné

  • 1

    Koreničky rastú v srdci Kampotu, kde je špecifické mikroklíma a naši farmári pracujú od úsvitu do západu.

  • 2

    Každá guľôčka korenia je vďaka nim s láskou pestovaná, zozbieraná a pripravená na cestu do Európy.

  • 3

    Kung Sarith a Tov Bora vám vo videu povedia, čo pre nich znamená ich farma, korenie a naša spoločná pomoc.

Slová našich zákazníkov

Unique Flavorful Pepper - Very excited to use more Got the pepper, it is very unique. I found it had more flavor and the aroma was wonderful. The pepper came in a small well sealed package. The ground pepper was a little spicier than regular black pepper, but not too spicy. I think it was most likely just fresher and delivered in better condition.


Unique, meaningful and quality gift Extremely unique product with a great drive behind them. Awesome product and customer service. Perfect for a gift to impress your in-laws, boss or clients.


Great taste from smallest farmers First time I tasted Kampot pepper on our vacation in Cambodia, it was phenomenal! I am ordering the Kampot pepper from Amazon ever since. Now when I have an option to order from the smallest farmers, I can have great feeling whenever I open the pack as a bonus to the best taste.


A unique, meaningful and quality gift An extremely unique product with a great drive behind them. Awesome product and customer service. Perfect for a gift to impress your in-laws, boss or clients.


Unique Flavorful Pepper - Very excited to use more Got the pepper, it is very unique. I found it had more flavor and the aroma was wonderful. The pepper came in a small well sealed package. The ground pepper was a little spicier than regular black pepper, but not too spicy. I think it was most likely just fresher and delivered in better condition.


Great taste from smallest farmers First time I tasted Kampot pepper on our vacation in Cambodia, it was phenomenal! I am ordering the Kampot pepper from Amazon ever since. Now when I have an option to order from the smallest farmers, I can have great feeling whenever I open the pack as a bonus to the best taste.



Máme tisíce pozitívnych recenzií s 99% spokojnosťou zákazníkov

Sme jediným českým držiteľom najvyššieho gastro ocenenia na svete

Česká republika je na 3. mieste na svete v spotrebe Kampotského korenia

Sme prvý a jediný dovozca Fair & Direct Trade pre Českú republiku a Slovensko

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